

365平台于1月11日举行了全校多样性日. 30. The morning kicked off with a faculty meeting where Lisa McGrath, 多元文化事务主任, 谁组织了当天的活动, welcomed everyone and introduced guest speaker Princess Sirleaf Bomba, an advocate for social justice and education for nearly 25 years.

公主以“我们的文化”为题开始了她的演讲, Our Perspectives and Our Impact” by saying: “I will share things I have learned along the way that are more personal and not all research driven. 我希望这能引起你的共鸣.”

She involved faculty members in group discussions about race and culture. “Who is in our circle and who we are will shape how we see the world,” she said. She shared highlights of her career and stories about those with whom she has worked. She encouraged faculty members to “break the silence” by opening up more with others and reaching out to people of color. “隐藏的身份很重要,”她强调说. She also underscored the importance of demonstrating empathy to success in working with students. “Sharing your identify will help you communicate with them,” she said. “孩子们只会向他们信任的人寻求帮助.”

Princess is the director of unity and diversity at The Wheeler School, 普罗维登斯的一所独立走读学校, R.I. 在那之前, she was an educational services coordinator for the Department of Children, Youth and Families and began her career as admissions professional for Rhode Island College, 她在那里获得了学士学位和硕士学位.A.

在教师会议之后, students gathered in Gund Dining Room to sit with their advisory group. They responded to questions and played some games that highlighted how first impressions can be wrong and the importance of getting to know others in order to build a stronger community. 公主分享了她在蒙罗维亚生活的细节, 利比里亚, 作为一个孩子, the violent coup in her country and how her “life was turned upside down” when she came to the U.S. She encouraged the students to tell their story, saying, “We all have interesting stories.”

在咨询小组会议之后, students attended breakout sessions conducted by peer facilitators and faculty members in Armour 学术中心 on a range of topics related to introspection and reflection, 身份和联系, 社区与社会, 还有历史和艺术. They then attended an all-school meeting in Werner Centennial Center, where Lisa thanked everyone for their participation in the day’s activities, saying it provided an opportunity to think about other communities. Two excerpts from the film “Girl Rising” were shown under the leadership of the student group All is One Feminist Alliance, and the day concluded with students meeting with their advisory groups once again.



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