
Diversity Day Focuses on Cross-Cultural Communication and Unconscious and Implicit Bias

Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee, 教育家和多元化培训师, 是1月10日365平台多元化日的主旨发言人. 22个涉及到整个学校社区.
李是西雅图女子学校的教员, serving in dual roles as a science teacher and as a professional outreach specialist. She has presented at numerous conferences and nonprofit organizations and worked with more than 200 public and independent schools throughout the U.S.以及学院和大学. 几年来, she served on the faculty of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) Diversity Leadership Institute, 在其他领导角色中.
The day began with Lee speaking to the faculty about the topic “What I Said and What I Meant: Cross-Cultural Communication.她描述了身份和文化的维度, 包括内部, 外部和制度因素. She pointed out how aspects of who people are can result in experiences of marginalization and stereotyping. 作为演讲的一部分, faculty members broke into groups to discuss variability in communication styles.
在维尔纳百年纪念中心的全校集会上, Lee’s topic was “Unconscious and Implicit Bias: Bridging the Distance Between Professed 值 and Everyday Behaviors.” She began her presentation by saying how much she enjoys working with adolescents. “It is a time when there is a lot of brain development and what is practiced now gets embedded,”她说。. She shared examples of how the brain takes mental shortcuts because it cannot process the 11 billion bits of information that come into it every minute. 她展示了这些捷径是如何导致偏见的. “我们的大脑会做出假设,她解释道, while outlining 20 validated cognitive biases that can affect decisions.
She described how implicit bias is a preference for or against a person or group of people that operates at the subconscious level. 她说:“我们不知道我们有这些问题。. She showed a video about hidden prejudice that featured Scientific American Frontiers host and actor Alan Alda speaking with a researcher at Harvard. She also gave examples of implicit bias in daily life and in schools. “There is no magic bullet to reduce bias in our communities,”她说。. “这需要有意识地工作.”
She closed by outlining some strategies for moving from professed values to lived values.
大会结束后, students in the Third Form and the Fourth Form met in peer-led groups that were designed to facilitate them thinking about themselves and their classmates as individuals with a unique story. Students in the Fifth Form and Sixth Form attended one of 17 sessions led by faculty members on topics such as affirmative action in admissions, 大学365网站平台, 单一故事的危险, 女权主义, 男子气概, 强大的动力, 音乐与民权, 和更多的. The day concluded with advisory group meetings where students discussed the day’s activities.



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